step inside


A multidimensional healing journey for the spiritual seeker who is ready to dissolve limitations and become a powerful creator of their REALITY

Imagine if

You BROKE FREE OF the barriers that are holding you back and learned how to master your energetics
to create a life beyond your wildest dreams

Improve the quality of your life and your relationships

Embody the confidence to step into your power and achieve BIG goals

Feel empowered to show up authentically in the world

Heal from your wounds so that you can feel safe to receive love, abundance and peace

Activate your powerful ability to manifest

Step into your purpose and bring your gifts fully online


The wounds of your past continue to resurface and prevent you from creating a better future

The happiness, peace, abundance, love and freedom that you seek always seems to be JUST out of reach

No matter what you attempt to do to ‘unstuck’ yourself you always end up in the same place – unsatisfied, unfulfilled and lacking the confidence needed to expand into your true potential


THIS REQUIRES REPROGRAMMING your MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT in order to align to a new way of being


social proof


Knowing how to transmute, transform and alchemize the old paradigm of your past conditioning is to know how to reprogram the blueprint of your entire reality

After years of feeling lost and disempowered, I finally took a leap of faith and invested in finding support by hiring a mentor. Asking for help was a HUGE step in enabling me to heal through my blockages and quantum leap towards my true soul purpose.

I began building my confidence around who I was and what I deserved - which allowed the manifestations to start materializing around me quickly! I pushed myself past my edge of fear even though I questioned myself every step of the way. I started trusting my intuition and my heart’s desires even when they didn’t make any logical sense!

Today, I run a multi-6 figure business that gives me the freedom to work from anywhere. My days consist of frequent travel, enjoying life with my soulmate and helping amazing souls like YOU with the knowledge and expertise I’ve gained in my 10 years of delivering healing and transformational work.

From a young age my life was filled with hardship, abuse, neglect and harmful trauma that haunted me for the majority of my life. I struggled with beliefs of not being good enough, living in perpetual survival mode, suffering from self-doubt and poverty.

For decades, I suppressed my truth and settled for less than what I deserved. I lost confidence in myself, in my abilities, and felt hopeless in finding my purpose to do something impactful in the world.

...and I'm here to be your guide on this journey of coming home to your gifts, your truth, your purpose and your POWER.

My expertise is knowing how to activate your inner strength so that you can manifest the life that is waiting on the other side of your quantum leap.

I am here to elevate you into a higher consciousness and provide you with the sacred tools that will help you tap into your authentic soul purpose and embody your highest potential.


I'm diana min

my journey


✨The Universe belongs to the magicians of energy, frequency and vibration✨

a l c h e m y

When you learn how to become a master of alchemy, you can:

-become an intentional creator of your life
instead of manifesting “on accident”

-transform past challenges into positive momentum
for spiritual growth and expansion

-utilize the Laws of the Universe to find inner alignment
and attract external results

-attune your frequency with precision in order to
become a match to your desires and dreams

Healing the parts of you that feel attached to the familiar comfort that is keeping you stagnant and small

Reprogramming your subconscious mind around the internalized limitations that have been holding you back from rising into your potential

Untangling the stories of your lineage from your current paradigm so that you can trail blaze a NEW way of being

8 weeks of live transmissions with energetic activations and integration work


Clearing out old, dense energy that is clouding your energetic field and preventing you from receiving the love, the abundance and the fulfillment you crave

Activate your confidence to step forth into your full power and magnetism to attract expansive opportunities and prosperity

Allow your nervous system to release the fear and anxiety around not having enough and not being enough 

Attune yourself to higher realms of vibration and frequency so that you can manifest elevated experiences, people, and circumstances

Create an entirely new timeline through becoming a master of alchemy and the intentional creator of your life!


"Before working with Diana I'd reached a state of complacency with my spiritual practices and overall state of mind. I'd been through a difficult 3-year period filled with loss and grief and had gotten used to living in a half-asleep state. Diana is one of a kind. If you're lucky enough to cross paths with her work, you'll never be the same again! I've studied many different healing modalities and coaching strategies for years and wasn't in the market to hire a coach for myself, but I knew I met Diana for a reason and without much thought (just a strong intuition) I signed up to work 1:1 with her. Healing isn't always a pleasant journey, but knowing Diana is walking that path alongside me has unlocked a level of healing I didn't think would be possible."

Sheeva, Tech Executive


"When I reached out to Diana, I was at a stage in my life where I was desperate for change. I had been depressed, lost, insecure, and unhappy with myself for a very long time. I had never invested real $$ in myself before, but something compelled me to her - divine alignment it was. :) Working with Diana was the BEST thing I could have done for myself. Through this our time together, I have reclaimed my power and self-worth. I've unlocked the powerful creative side of me that I forgot about long ago and rekindled my joy for life again. It's not just about self-love, self-care, forgiveness, and bubble baths. Diana makes you do the work, and it's not always pretty - but through this type of work I've had breakthroughs that entirely shifted my outlook on life. Diana is intuitive, perceptive, and incredibly kind. She will hit you with love and the cold hard truth at the same time! Just my kind of girl."

Michelle, Talent Recruiter


"Before working with Diana, I struggled to believe in myself in every area of my life. I had trouble believing I deserved money. Feeling lack and scarcity prevented me from welcoming in positive things that I truly desired. Diana had a skill to make me think deeply about shadows I had hidden inside. I learned to make myself feel good, control my reactions, connect with my inner self, and make my dreams come true. Diana has been the guide I've needed for 13 years. Today, I'm living the life I want and being the person I know I can be. I'm even more focused on my self-development and make sure to start each day with the right thoughts. Thank you Diana. I want to keep working with you for as long as God allows me to. I love you so much!"

, Coach


"Diana has been the greatest life coach, spiritual teacher, integration coach, I could have worked with. Before working with her I had done some therapy, but the teachings and lessons she has helped me with I will carry with me into my next chapters. Before working with her, I had never done any type of inner child healing. Diana not only teaches us how to heal, but also how to implement these methods into our everyday life to create the life that we want to live. I healed things from my past that I didn’t even know needed healing. We were able to tap into old stories and programming and retrain myself to feel and think differently. It’s very powerful work, but it’s well worth it. I was able to experience a retreat in Peru with her also while working with plant medicine which was life changing. I am very grateful for my time working with her. She has not just become my coach, she has become a friend and I am grateful for the tools I now have that I can use for the future. Thank you Diana."

, Artist


"I found Diana when I was engulfed in self-doubt, entangled in the aftermath of trauma, desperately seeking clarity without a roadmap in sight. What truly stood out to me in her coaching was the remarkable impact of her energy work. The strides I've made with Diana surpasses a decade of therapy, it has been nothing short of transformative. My perspective on life has undergone a complete 360-degree shift. My vibrational frequency has soared from zero to a thousand. Each morning, I wake up with a clear sense of purpose, aligned with my emotions and what truly serves me. The gift of truly living, rather than just surviving, fills me with gratitude."

, Beauty & Wellness Professional


"Working with Diana was one the best gifts I have given to myself. After a very tumultuous breakup, the death of a very close friend and a move to a new state to re-start my life I needed help to build an emotional foundation to create the life of my dreams. The Universe brought me to Diana. Working together she held space for me to explore the thoughts and patterns that had a hold on me. She helped me connect to the Universe and the inner child that had needed help, healing and attention. When I was able to hold that space for myself, to create my own inner safety did the world start opening up for me in a deeper, more meaningful way than it had before. I have a job I love, where I make more money than ever- working less days which gives me the time to develop my dreams and dive deeper into my inner world in a beautiful home that I created."

, Voiceover Actress


"Prior to working with Diana I was unaware of where I was blocked. I had a goal and knew of ways to "possibly" reach my goal but I was not aware of why things were not happening for me. I struggled with identifying my next steps and how to properly heal blockages. The most valuable lessons I learned through working with Diana are how to heal my inner child, staying the path regardless what it looks like and fully understanding that I AM the essence of my business and creativity. There is no one else like me! I highly recommend hiring Diana for guidance and empowerment to fulfill your dreams. Her course was exactly what I needed to shift forward in my business. I enjoyed meeting and working with like-minded creatives in an open space for a common mission. Diana is so knowledgable and a joy to work with. Trust me, if you have connected with her services but are hesitant if it's the right fit...IT IS!!!! Thank You Diana for all of your assistance, I look forward to working together again!"

, Artist & Entrepreneur


"Diana has helped me to transform myself on many levels but the most important for me was learning to forgive myself. When we first started coaching, the pain was so overwhelming and consumed me. The work we did together has helped me to let go, love myself again, and heal that area of my life. Through that healing, I was able to reconnect with my life's purpose, create and launch a new program for women. It feels good to be me again and living in my power. Thank you!!!"

, Empowerment Coach


You crave deeper fulfillment, purpose, pleasure & abundance in your life & you know it's worth working towards.

You are ready to put in the work & step outside of your comfort zone to achieve the life you deserve.

You know that manifestation is a science & you are seeking the tools to master your frequency & vibration so that you can become a match to what you desire.

You believe that you're capable of more & have been feeling the pull to expand.

this is for you, if...

You're already making up excuses as to why it won't work for you and creating mental blockages in saying YES to yourself.

You want to keep looping in the same cycles and staying stuck in the same circumstances.

If you don't want to grow past your limiting beliefs about what's possible for you.

If you're not ready for spiritual, emotional, & financial expansion.

this isn't for you, if...

who this is/isn't for.

When we live our lives on default, we end up spinning out and recreating the same cycles that were handed down to us

But when you step into being the empowered creator of your reality, you get to build your life on your own terms

bottom line

When you make decisions from a place of power and conviction,
the Universe must respond to that frequency and deliver to you what you desire.

When you believe that you are worth investing in and the life you seek is worth having, that reality is drawn to you like a magnet!
It is Law.

Follow your intuition, it's leading you somewhere AMAZING! ;)